Turkish Breakfast at Emirgan Sütis in the Avenues

By | April 6, 2013

I learned from the Avenues Instagram account that a new Turkish Restaurant, Emirgan Sütis, had opened and was serving breakfast last Thursday morning. I knew rightaway I wanted to try it. I want something new and delicious for breakfast and I have seen pictures of breakfast in Turkey online therefore, on Friday morning I woke up super early and headed for the Avenues souk district to have breakfast. Read more »

Breakfast at Cafe Bazza in the Avenues

By | March 12, 2013

bicb-003-1One of the places I’ve been waiting to try for breakfast is the Avenues branch of Cafe Bazza. I’m already a fan of their food/theme/atmosphere and I’ve tried them for dinner/lunch/breakfast many times but I’ve never been to the Avenues branch which is located in the traditional Souk section. Whenever I arrive there at 10 or 9:30 A.M. I find it pretty crowded and the outdoors tables are all taken so last week I made it there at 9:20 A.M. and to my Read more »

Alban Dairy’s Qaymar

By | January 22, 2012

After I posted about Alban dairy’s Akawi cheese (post) and low fat labna (post) many commented that I must try their Qaymar and that it was so unbelievably good so I looked around the sultan centers in Kuwait until I found it in Read more »