Amazing Italian Gelato at Cioccolatitaliani The Avenues By | November 21, 2013

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A few weeks back a new Italian chocolatier and gelateria from Milano, Italy opened up in the Grand Avenues right next door to The Cheesecake Factory. The name is Cioccolatitaliani and I’ve been there numerous times ever since its opening. Each and every time I try something new and each and every time I fall in love a little bit more with the place.  Read more »

The Avenues Summer Carnival

By | September 2, 2013


When I first set foot on the Grand Avenues during the Avenues construction site visit, I could almost imagine a European like walkway lined with cafes and international shops. Then when the Avenues did finally open and became the place to be in Kuwait, it did feel like you were travelling every time you walk down it’s vast corridors. Last week, Read more »

Things to Do in Dubai: Dine in Wafi Gourmet

By | August 15, 2013


Whenever I am in Dubai I have a last day before boarding the plane ritual. It involves checking out of the hotel, driving to Dubai Mall, ending up our shopping and then grabbing some lunch in Wafi Gourmet before heading to the airport. Wafi Gourmet is a Lebanese restaurant chain in Dubai that sells a lot of Lebanese delicatessen items and is also a restaurant. Read more »

Lunch at Vapiano in Dubai Mall

By | August 13, 2013


For the past Eid holiday I’ve been to Dubai for a miniature summer break and change of scenery. One of the restaurants I look forward to dining in when in Dubai is Vapiano. I’m not sure where the franchise Read more »

Ben’s Cookies Ramadan Gift

By | July 27, 2013


A few days ago I received a small red tin from Ben’s Cookies branch in Kuwait. Naturally, I found several different types of cookies inside, all freshly baked and melt in your mouth soft. The tag on the tin box said “please use within four days”.  Read more »

Breakfast at C-Omar in the Avenues

By | June 16, 2013

Growing up in the 80’s meant watching a lot of Egyptian movies and TV serieses. Whenever I was watching and they had breakfast, I’d wish I was joining them at the table and eating from their breakfast, always plates laden with food and people sharing. Therefore when I knew that the modernised Egyptian-themed restaurant C-omar began to serve breakfast, I wanted to go and see what they had to offer.  Read more »

Habba Alert: Acrylic Box Clutches

By | May 6, 2013


See-through clear bags are not new per say, they’ve come and gone on the fashion scene several times before. I remember sporting a big see-through blue on my first day of college back in 1998. These days everyone is Read more »

My Freaky Little Doomed Skull Glass

By | April 30, 2013


Ever since I set foot in Frotune Cookie EmChakNam last week (post) I’ve been thinking about the Fred‘s little skull shot glass. I have a thing for Fred‘s merchandise, I like almost every single one of them as they cater to my wacky taste (post) therefore couldn’t resist anymore and went back and got me one and made it into my newest and current favourite espresso cup!  Read more »

Dinner at C-Omar in the Avenues

By | April 23, 2013


A while ago I’ve been walking in the Souk district of the Avenues mall when I saw a boarded up coming soon restaurant under the name of “C-Omar”. C is a word used in Egypt for mister and if I’m not mistaken there is a black and white movie by the name of C-Omar.  Therefore C-Omar was clearly a new Egyptian restaurant and judging by the modern looking design and my love for Egyptian food, I knew I will keep an eye out for its opening.  Read more »

Breakfast at Figs by Todd English in the Avenues

By | April 21, 2013


Ever since Figs by Todd’s English opened up in 360 Mall they served breakfast and judging by the pictures of diners I saw on instagram, it was a breakfast that I really wanted to try. However, I’m not much of a fan of Figs in 360, for one thing the seating area bears too much resemblance to the food court next door. I saw the pictures, got hungry, yet knew I’d never drag myself up from bed during the weekend to go to their 360 branch. Read more »

Lunch at Fauchon Café in the Avenues

By | April 16, 2013

Last week I was shopping in the Prestige district of the Avenues mall when I passed by the newly opened Fauchon café. It was buzzing with diners and suddenly I was hit by the strongest craving for their cheese club sandwich, which is excellent by the way. It was night time and Prestige district is always too dark for my liking so I decided to come by the next day to have my club sandwich for lunch and I’m glad I did. Read more »

Dinner at Cavalli Caffè in the Grand Avenues

By | April 9, 2013

dacck-017-1We were invited for a private preview dinner of Cavalli Cafè which took place yesterday. I knew from my visit to the cafe before (post) that the interior was glamorous and I was waiting to see if the food lived up to the hype and interior. Yesterday at 7 P.M. on the dot we made it to Cavalli Caffè and we were let in and led to our table at once. Read more »

Turkish Breakfast at Emirgan Sütis in the Avenues

By | April 6, 2013

I learned from the Avenues Instagram account that a new Turkish Restaurant, Emirgan Sütis, had opened and was serving breakfast last Thursday morning. I knew rightaway I wanted to try it. I want something new and delicious for breakfast and I have seen pictures of breakfast in Turkey online therefore, on Friday morning I woke up super early and headed for the Avenues souk district to have breakfast. Read more »

Dinner at Figs by Todd’s English in the Avenues

By | March 28, 2013


Last week I received a very creative invitation from Figs by Todd English to attend the soft opening dinner in their newest and second branch located in the Avenues mall. The invitation was a wooden Read more »

OSIM Message Equipments Store

By | March 10, 2013

Another weekend shopping stop of mine was one at the very end of the Grand Avenues walkway, the recently opened OSIM shop. I’ve seen OSIM message and relaxation products once in a commercial booth in 360 Mall and my husband wanted to try them while I stood by, skeptic and totally not interested but finally caved in and when I did, not only did we leave with a Read more »

Review: Capital District’s Store

By | March 10, 2013

cdfsfoiam-044-1Last weekend I went to have breakfast in the Avenues Mall and when I was done I walked around for a bit of shopping. To my delight, I found that the Kuwaiti brand “Capital District” had opened their first branch in the Avenues Souk. I love Capital Read more »

Byalah Cafe in The Avenues Souk

By | February 28, 2013


Sometimes when you are shopping and tired all you want to do is take a break and sit down. Sometimes you might even think to yourself that a cup of tea would be nice but you don’t want to go into a cafe and stand in line and order and and etc. Last week while shopping in the Avenues I was in the traditional Souk section when suddenly I had Read more »

Breakfast at IHOP Kuwait

By | February 16, 2013


When I learned from The Avenues’s instagram page that IHOP’s branch in Kuwait was opening today, Saturday, at 8 A.M. I knew exactly where I was going to have breakfast. We made it there at around 10 A.M. and even though Read more »

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The New Avenues Before & After Pictures – Part 4

By | February 7, 2013

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Now we come to part four and current last Avenues Mall before & after construction pictures post. For part 1 click (here) and 2 (here). and 3 (here).

This time the before pictures are borrowed from my dear friends bloggers Swera and Pink Girl because I originally wanted to match their pictures to my after pictures but it was impossible. Dear girls, thank you for letting me use your pictures <3 You can click on the images for bigger sized ones with more details. Read more »

The New Avenues Before & After Pictures – Part 3

By | February 6, 2013

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This is part three of the Avenues Mall before & after construction pictures. For part one you can click here (link) and for part two you can click here (link). There is one more part that I’m going to post tomorrow. You can click on the images for bigger sized ones with more details. Read more »


The New Avenues Before & After Pictures – Part 2

By | February 5, 2013


This is part two of the Avenues Mall before & after construction pictures. For part one you can click here (link). There are two more parts to go that I’m going to post them tomorrow and after tomorrow. Check them out, you can click on the images for bigger Read more »

The New Avenues Before & After Pictures

By | February 4, 2013


I’ve always been fascinated by how things in life looked before and after. If I ever come across a picture of that nature, especially historical one, I’d be poring over it forever, looking at details and imagining the work and time it had Read more »

Bo Teela Drink Shop and Antique Bottles

By | February 3, 2013


Once upon a time in the old Kuwait town the people of Kuwait drank a soft drink that they called “Namleet Bo Teela”. I’m not sure if they had Cola back then, but I know that the older generations speak fondly of the “Bo Teela”. Bo Teela means “The one with the marble” but I never understood exactly why until I stumbled on a newly opened drinks shop in Read more »

Armani Caffé Kuwait

By | January 28, 2013


I’m a big fan of Armani Cafe and I couldn’t wait for it to open in Kuwait. The day it first opened I wanted to go right away but I was told that their menu wasn’t complete and that their pizza will be available in two week’s time so I waited for a few weeks and

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Preview: MUJI Store, Kuwait

By | January 18, 2013


I’ve never really expressed before how much I adore MUJI in my blog now, have I? On the Grand Avenues Read more »