When Omani Blogger Standi Came to Visit

Clomiphene purchase canada By | April 7, 2013

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I’ve known Standy for as long as I’ve been a blogger. Back in the days when blogs were stricly personal and we used to know what everyone’s day was like without getting fingers pointed at us for being too self centered ego maniac. Anyways, Standy lives in Muscat, Oman and though she blogs once in every few months now adays she posted on Instagram that she was heading to Kuwait. One thing Read more »

Le Sushi Bar Japanese Tea Set

By | March 18, 2013


I arrived home yesterday to find a big wood and leather box waiting for me on my dining table from Le Sushi Bar, the newly opened Japanese restaurant in Al-Hamra that I’ve reviewed a few weeks back (post). Read more »

What’s Inside a Bloggerette’s Bag?

By | February 28, 2013


The other day I was out with my fellow bloggerette Pink Girl and while we were both paying and it was taking forever to do so, my sight fell on our two bags sitting side by side gaping open, each filled to the brim with stuff we can no longer leave the house without. I noticed a lot of similarities between our two bags so Read more »

What Makes a Good Blogger?

By | February 18, 2013


This question have been circulating in my mind for quite sometime now. What makes a good blogger? Owning a Read more »

Bloggerettes Dinner at Le Sushi Bar

By | February 11, 2013


Last Wednesday we had the pleasure of being invited by blogger Marawi to have dinner with a group of bloggerette in Le Sushi Bar restaurant located in Al-Hamra Mall. Read more »