The Old Amiri Hospital is Being Preserved By | June 25, 2013

what is the best site to buy Clomiphene tnpoah

While I was walking on foot after parking my car to get into Tijariya tower under the scorching June summer sun, I passed by a very spooky and run down building that looks like it was a hospital. I thought this might be the infamous old Amiri hospital where numerous photographers had taken gorgeous yet sad pictures inside, but I’m not 100% sure since there is another site overlooking Gulf Road that I always thought was the Amiri Hospital. Read more »

Things 2 Do in London: Take The Harry Potter Studio Tour – Part 2

By | November 14, 2012

Continuing from Part One of the post (post), when you are finally done with the outdoors Harry Potter set, you walk into the makeup room where you see masks used in Read more »

Visiting Kuwait as a Tourist – Places of Interest

By | October 8, 2012

To continue my post regarding what should a tourist in Kuwait do and visit when they arrive, this post is about what I think is the most popular places of interest in Kuwait. Not shopping  –previous post– and not restaurants and where to eat -upcoming post-.

Since I’m writing this post because one of my Twitter followers is visiting and Read more »

Picture of the Week: The Old Box

By | September 17, 2012

Old traditional Kuwaiti boxes like the one above come in a variety of sizes and designs. I realized recently that I have a few of this box too many. I wonder what am supposed to hide inside them though. Then it got me wondering: what did Kuwaitis use them for in the olden days? Cooking? The one with the latch doesn’t look like a cooking type of box.

Any ideas?

Amricani Cultural Center… A Place to be Proud of in Kuwait

By | November 30, 2011

I was invited by the media team of Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiya (DAI) to attend a special blogger’s night held in the historic Amricani Cultural Center, once known as the Amricani hospital, which has recently transformed by DAI to become a cultural and exhibition space and is Read more »

Guess who performed in Kuwait in 1977?

By | June 29, 2011

Yesterday I was in 360 Cinescape when I saw an exhibition of the Cinema’s History and artifacts in Kuwait. It is so worth a visit and I enjoyed it very much. What caught my attention however is the stars who once sang in cinema Al Andalus. I knew Abdul halim, fairuz,om Kalthom sang there in the golden ages of Kuwait. I didn’t know that bands like Boney M did too! O someone who looks like the Opera’s Pavarotti but I am not sure and that guy who screams in Rocky Movie and sings living in America -dunno his name-!

I am trying to imagine Kuwaiti men i the 70’s, big hair or long hair with Charleston trousers filing in to Al Andalus cinema and dancing to Daddy Cool and No Woman No Cry! What happened? Why do we have to board a plane to Dubai and Abu Dhabi to listen to good music? In the SIXTIES and SEVENTIES of the past CENTURY we had bands playing in our country… why can’t we have the same in the 2nd decade of the 21st century? He who wants to listen can go listen, he who doesn’t want to can stay at home. Live and let live!

I want to see Ballet, Swan Lake, Lord of the Dance, Opera, Fairuz, something… anything in my own country. It’s not my fault I was born too late in the 80’s y3ni!

The 50th Independence Anniversary Exhibition, Mishref

By | February 21, 2011

There is an amazing exhibition in Mishref celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kuwait’s Independence . It is held from 17 – 23 February and it’s HUGE! Many ministries are participating plus local businesses and stores… i have been there last weekend and i took pictures of what i liked the most… let me start by Read more »

A Visit to Einstien’s House in Bern…

By | January 19, 2011

I was browsing through my old pictures yesterday thinking of making them into an album when i found pictures of my trip to Bern, Switzerland… What interested me most is the pictures of my visit to Einstien’s House in Bern!

Of all swiss cities i love Bern the most (post)… the old buildings and the cobbled stone streets… One day i was having lunch when i noticed a commosion across the street… Read more »

Things to do in London: British Museum's Book of the Dead Exhibition!

By | December 19, 2010

One thing i love most about London is the vast amount of interesting exhibitions they have year round! As i am a sucker for anything historic and related to the ancient Egyptian dynasty i couldn’t wait to visit the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead Exhibition in my favorite museum in London.. The British Mesuem! Read more »

Things 2 Do in London: The Tintanic Artefact Exhibition!

By | December 2, 2010

One great thing about London is the amazing exhibits you get to see every now and then. This year i was lucky enough to be there during a great exhibit, the Titanic Artefacts Exhibition Read more »

La y6oofkom: The Historical, Vintage, Classic and Cars Museum in Q8!

By | October 21, 2010

What are you doing this weekend? Nothing new? Same old same old? I have got just the place for you!

Earlier this week my husband was telling me about a newly opened historical cars museum in Q8 and insisted that we pass by. I thought to my self “How many Historical Cars in Q8 are there anyways? and how far do they go back?” … i thought there would be 2 3 cars maybe and all dating back to the 40’s or something. Little did i know that i would be blown away by those cars… Read more »

Things 2 Do in London: The Sherlock Holmes Museum

By | July 4, 2010

If you are a fan of Shelock Holmes, you will for sure know that he lived in 221b Baker Street, London. One day i wondered if the address does exist so i set about walking and checking the house numbers.. to my surprise, not only does 221b exists, but it had a sign stating that it’s the Sherlock Holmes museum!

I wasted no time going inside and checking the place out. The place is tiny but it has one amazing room after the other filled with artefacts that should belong to Sherlock Holmes! They say that the rooms were designed to look exactly as described in the books written by the author Arthur Conan Doyle!

A must visit for every Sherlock Holmes & History fan. Just don’t go in a big group of people as the place is tiny! I bought a collection of Sherlock Holmes novels from the gift shop which is amazing too…

For more information check out their website here

Things 2 Do in London: The Victoria & Albert Museum

By | June 15, 2010

Don’t run away at the mention of the word museum… for this is no ordinary one! It’s not old and stuffy and boring at all! I <3 all kinds of Museums  and i usually go alone because no one i know would swap a day of shopping for a day of culture… But if you love shopping you will definitely love V&A! Why?

There is this room… the Fashion Room… that holds an amazing collection of fashionable Read more »