Holiday Breakfast in Ayyame By | February 27, 2013

Üsküdar baaitm-029-1On the first day of last week’s national and liberation holiday we woke up early, the weather was excellent and we knew we wanted to have breakfast outdoors, so we headed to The Village to have breakfast in Ayyame. I Read more »

Bakerista’s National Day Cake Pops!

By | February 22, 2013


Everywhere you look these days, you will find signs of celebration for the National and liberation days of Kuwait. Everyone is either celebrating early or going to be celebrating soon and Bakerista, a Kuwaiti business that specialises in making gorgeous cake pops, is celebrating as well with Kuwaiti themed Read more »

Al-Rawda’s Spectacular Festive Lights

By | February 21, 2013

rcsls-012Every year during February some of the residential areas put up a few festive lights to celebrate the occasion of the National and Liberation days on 25 and 26 February consecutively. The most spectacular lights are the ones usually found in Ahmadi City but this year Ahmadi has a strong contender: The Festive Lights of Read more »

The Chocolate Bar’s National Day Cake

By | February 21, 2013


To celebrate the upcoming occasion of The National Day of Kuwait, The Chocolate Bar is offering a lovely cake shaped like the map of Kuwait and colored in the flag of  Read more »

More Festive February Lights in Kuwait City

By | February 19, 2013


The other day I was going on Gulf road heading to Industrial Shuwaikh when I noticed more lights were lit around Kuwait City and that my camera was in my bag sitting there doing nothing. Then I saw the picture below and I just had to stop and Read more »

The Festive February Lights are Lit

By | February 3, 2013


Every year on February Kuwait’s buildings light up in celebration of the National and Liberation day celebrations. Every where you look you see lights lights lights. I haven’t been around with my camera in a few Read more »

Celebrating Kuwait’s Festivities in Kansas State University

By | February 28, 2012

The Kuwaiti Student Organization at Kansas State University held a National & Liberation Days event on the 25th of February on campus in Manhattan, Kansas. The event was attended by the Kuwaiti students at Kansas State University as well as students and faculty from all around the world.

The guests gathered around to celebrate.

Chatting to the guests.

Faculty members showing the Kuwaiti spirit. Wanasa y7leelhom!

The guests being shown around the gallery showcasing Kuwait the past, present, and the future.

Even kids were celebrating :)

Students joining in!

Many booth’s were set up around the room which included taking photos of the guests in the Kuwaiti clothing, writing their names in Arabic and Kuwaiti girls drew henna patterns on the female guests hands.

Shabab el Kuwait in traditional dishdasha’s.

Of course no Kuwaiti event is complete without serving Kuwaiti snacks and desserts throughout the event and concluding with a Lamb machboos dinner that everyone enjoyed. I wonder who cooked that though? Do you guys know how to cook machboos?

Kuwaiti students who participated in the festivities.

The executive committee of the Kuwaiti Student Organization.

Gawakom Allah shabab o banat ma ga9artaw. Insha2 Allah kilha chan senna o you are back bel shahada to celebrate with your families back home :)

Thank you Yousef Al Sharif :)

Pink Girl’s National & Liberation Day Goody Bag

By | February 23, 2012

My dear friend Pink Girl was distributing a CD of national songs to bloggers a few days ago. 6b3an I was jealous where is my CD? Yesterday she not only Read more »

Review: Napolitana Wood Baked Pizza, Dubai

By | March 8, 2011

It was a nice in Dubai, warm with a cold breeze in Dubai, perfect for having dinner while sitting outdoors in the walk at Jumeirah Beach Residence… We chose Napolitana Wood Baked Pizza Restaurant…  Read more »

I am still afraid of the Iraqi Mines… 20 years on!

By | February 26, 2011

21 years ago on June 1990 we left Kuwait for our summer vacation in Austria and UK. Planning to return to Kuwait on 2 August 1990.

20 years ago on June 1991 we finally returned back home. It was surreal… returning at last to Read more »

Mabrook 3eedich ya Kuwaiti ya A7la Balad :*

By | February 25, 2011

Kil 3am o e7na o entaw o il Kuwait o il Kuwaityeen ib kil khair o 9e7a o Salama!

O Allah yedem 3aleena n3mat il amn wel aman wel khair wel rezq… Alf 7amd o Alf Sheker lik ya Rab il 3alameen <3

o 3ashat el Kuwait 7orra Abya!

اغنية الصندوق الكويتي للتنمية “العيدُ يروي” بمناسبة العيد الوطني

By | February 24, 2011

اهداء الاغنية الخاصة بالصندوق الكويتي للتنمية بمناسبة العيد الوطني


Kuwait Towers Lights Display…

By | February 24, 2011

Yesterday as we were having dinner in Lenotre… we were sitting by the window and we saw the reherseals for tonights fireworks and lights display on Kuwait Towers! They were so beautiful! I took a video and i took some pictures but the picture quality while trying to zoom from far away wasn’t that good… i was told that those lights and fireworks display are designed by the same people who designed the lights and fireworks display for Burj Khalifa’s opening in Dubai!

It’s going to be a spectaculat display tonight judging by what i saw yesterday! Check my humble and fuzzy pictures… Read more »

How are you spending the vacation?!

By | February 23, 2011

I heard a rumor that we will be given a half work day only tomorrow… i am not sure about that… but the festivities will start for sure on Thursday…

What will you be doing during the festive holiday? Going to the fireworks? Hiding at home? Joining a maseera? Catching a plane? Watching the military display? There seems like a lot going on and i am not really sure what is the best option to get the most out of the vacation this year!

What are your plans?

February in Q8 Means: Burj El Ta7akom Blazing with Lights!

By | February 22, 2011

I know February is here when i look out my window and see burj el ta7akom ablaze with festive lights 😀

Though i have to say i liked last year’s lights better (here)! These lights dance but are not colourful… i will try to shoot a video of the lights’s dance…

The 50th Independence Anniversary Exhibition, Mishref

By | February 21, 2011

There is an amazing exhibition in Mishref celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kuwait’s Independence . It is held from 17 – 23 February and it’s HUGE! Many ministries are participating plus local businesses and stores… i have been there last weekend and i took pictures of what i liked the most… let me start by Read more »

A childhood memory from before 1990…

By | February 26, 2010

2-3 years prior to the darkest 7 months in Kuwait’s History… this song was very popular… so popular i had a cousin of mine decide that for the national day vacation we were to present our family with a dance we would perform while playing that song…

She forced me and her sister to train on the dance she choreographed… we whined while she barked orders and drilled us into perfecting the moves and on the national day our two families gathered in our house… her father brought the huge black video camera, and we wore traditional black q8y thoubs and danced to it… happy and feeling as patriotic as ever even though we were 7 & 8 years old…

No foam was involved… no plants, animals, or humans were hurt in the process… and every one was extremely happy!

Happy National & Liberation Day… may Kuwait be always and forever Free… and may all it’s haters burn in the fires of their hatred hell!

إذا إنتوا نسيتوا… ترى إحنا ما نسينا!

By | February 26, 2009


I was one of the children of Iraqi Ghazoo. Invasion. This is the way it was called. This is how i explained it to my baby sister then. and this is the way im describing it to every one who asks, and every one who will listen, and to every generation of my future children and grandchildren Insha2 Allah…

I remember the sheer happiness of us returning tommorow to Q8 on the night of 1 August 1990. I remember we spent that night packing and cutting the St Michelle tags off our Read more »

What to do…?

By | February 16, 2009



If there was a rule saying ur allowed to ride a plane out of Q8 only once a year (god forbid!), then this time of year is definitely it…

I love my country of course and i love our celebrations…

But i hate the way people celebrate it!

I have one of two choices, either spend all the holiday cooped up inside Read more »