Lunch at Joe’s Cafe Kuwait

buy Lurasidone uk By | November 20, 2013

Passi lajc-005

The long awaited Joe’s cafe finally arrived to the Prestige district of the Avenues mall and opened its doors to eager diners a week ago. Personally, I am not a fan of the Joe’s cafe in London given that I avoid restaurants with more than one table of Arabs like the plague when I travel but passing by the big floor-to-ceiling windows cafe in Kuwait I had to, just had to try it especially since everyone was making plans to go and dine there. Plus, it was a rainy day and rain reminds me of London and what better way to dine on a rainy day than in a cafe all the way from London? Read more »

The Avenues Summer Carnival

By | September 2, 2013


When I first set foot on the Grand Avenues during the Avenues construction site visit, I could almost imagine a European like walkway lined with cafes and international shops. Then when the Avenues did finally open and became the place to be in Kuwait, it did feel like you were travelling every time you walk down it’s vast corridors. Last week, Read more »

Review: Capital District’s Store

By | March 10, 2013

cdfsfoiam-044-1Last weekend I went to have breakfast in the Avenues Mall and when I was done I walked around for a bit of shopping. To my delight, I found that the Kuwaiti brand “Capital District” had opened their first branch in the Avenues Souk. I love Capital Read more »

Garrett’s Popcorn Now Open in the Grand Avenue

By | November 6, 2012

Dear fellow Kuwaitis, there is no need to lug tins of Garrett’s Popcorn on the plane home from Dubai for their first branch in Kuwait is now open in The Grand Avenues! I tried to take enough pictures but many Read more »

A Tour in the New Grand Avenues

By | November 6, 2012

We were invited by M. H. Al-Shaya Company yesterday to attend the bloggers & media tour of the newly opened Grand Avenue, or what else is known as the Avenues Phase III extention. The tour was due to begin an hour before the official opening of the Read more »

Review: DeBrand Chocolatier

By | June 24, 2012

Just before I was about to leave for Dubai last week there was a knock on the door and a big white bag was delivered to me. The name on the bag? DeBrand Chocolatier. Read more »

The Two Monkeys I saw in Chocolate Bar…

By | April 6, 2009


We ran away from Rice as fast as we could on Saturday… and we decided to cool off by indulging ourself in… CHOCOLATE BAR!

It was a free day after all!!! Mo?


Anyways… it was still early… 3 somthingish… we stroll into Chocolate Bar Read more »

Farewell "Rice" Restaurant… I will not be coming back!!!!

By | April 4, 2009


Do you remember my post about Rice?

The NEW place in Avenues? How good it was? How yummy it was?

Well… i take half of what i said back! Read Bajee il Salfa Ihnee…

A quick visit to Napkit…

By | October 22, 2008

Although i said i will go on a diet, i am still on a diet, im skipping my snack later on adn having my drink/dessert now … o lunch later..

Place is empty… just how i like it, though it did take them a good 10 minutes to pay attention to me o get my order… which came to my table super fast. Bu Tootee took the grilled chiken and cherry tomatoe sandwich with a watermelon fresh juice. He says the sandiwhc is “y3ni”… but the color on that waterlemon juice was really vibrant. I wonder if they used food coloring for that..

Wait let me take a sip..

mmm good… just the right kind of cold…

Im having skimmed milk cappucino. Again as i said last time, the cappucino is gooood… the froth is … well FROTHY… somethign i enjoy really o the chocolate mousse?

Maybe the best dessert they have, hands down. IT is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy … really really reallllly gooood… hmmmmmmm i vowed to have one spoonful. Seems like i will get three…

Again the crazy speakers suddenly get louder and lower… just did that now

O Butootee is complaining that the lettuce is kinda wasekh o imthawee… he didnt like his sandwich maskeen… but im enjoying my dessert coffee combo sara7a… if only the speakers go down to low like they were a mere minute ago..

O here is a word from Bu Tootee *Eating my mousse*

“Music suddenly became too loud, i cant even hear Daddy’s Girl talking, kinda discowish… and the music doesnt go with the books behind Daddy’s girls and the atmosphere in general… I wish i had my ipod with me… on that very nice unique slab of wood meant to serve as a plate, which i like, the sandwich cannot be eaten as whole, i had to eat it in level, the bread (foccasia) was too dry and too thick, so i ate the top foccasia first, then the insides, then the bottom. For a focaccia sandwich to work, it must not be that hard. Never eating it again. My watermelon juice is good… the black straw is making a nice contrast to the pinkness of the juice… ”


and then it went down as fast as it came… shel salfa? tra ma sarat!?

P.S. Bu Tootee says their juice is not fresh. It looks and tastes good but its like a turkish juice powder thing… i am not sure if he is correct or not, it is kinda too pink to be fresh. Oh well it is GOOOD!

I love the MSI Wind!!! & im in Avenues Parking Ranting NOW!

By | October 10, 2008

This lovely tiny white fella is so light, almost like a cloud, and its keyboard is soo miniature, its like playing baroue with a laptop… my husband found me one last piece in lulu hypermarket yesterday, it was for 149 KD while it was being sold in alghanim for 180 KD, apparently it comes with the best features available!!! Sooo cute… and handy! It fits into my gigantic purse naturally, and today while we were stuck in the traffic in the avenues, i simply took it out, started it up, and It took me a mere 2 minutes until i am here connecting and typing away, including Ego time, while waiting for the stupid woman who is wanting to go out and a million other people standing in line stuck behind here… i can rant. I wish i have taken a picture though…

Im here to buy stuff for the BBQ, and tell me oh just tell me… why do the stupid stupid employees of all parking lots in kuwait decide that this area of the parking is too crowded so they just decide on their own that its “closed”!!!! Ya rabi ish hal legafa? 3la ay asas telegefoon!? min zeen mawagefkom? Ok guess what, this area is closed, but some people DO GET OUT of it… its the dynamic of parking lots y3ni!!!! Fa who gives you the right to act all smart and helpful and make people GO MAD!!!!

Unfortunately, a guy infornt of us in a car got out, removed the little cone that is blocking the entrance to the basement parking of avenues, and we went in after him. Guess what? MANY PEOPLE WHERE LEAVING TO GO HOME!!!!!

I have also seen two stupid huge cars that had the ego and the nerve of taking two parking lots for one car… they are both shabab cars y3ni, fa YA RABI LEESH IL NA7ASA LEESH… inta man takoon y3ni ilee you must park in two parking cars? 3la rasik reesha? How insensitive, how inconsiderate, or as michelle in full house would have said “How Rude!”!

ooh mesha il seer… i will post another post insha2 allah when im done shopping… brb

Smoking Yahaheel?

By | August 24, 2008


Yeah something i have noticed lately and i want to rant about… it makes me Maaaaaaaaaaaaad

Awalan il yahaheel 3moman…

Ya jma3a itha ma 3ndokom iste3dad itjabloon 3yalkom o ityawdoon hom. Ish7aga ityebonhom in the first place? Read more »

Joey Doesnt Share Food!!!

By | August 24, 2008


Remember the golden days… when we had new episodes of friends to look forward to?

I am a big friends junkie by the way…

I, being a UK person and not a US person,  have never set foot in new york before. Read more »