Celebrating A Year in the Life of Gilmore Girls #GilmoreGirlsRevival

resinously By | December 2, 2016

Ostend yitlogg04

At this moment I’m sitting by the open window, a dark cloud is looming in the horizon and thunder has been rumbling on loudly for about ten minutes now. I’m the dictionary definition of a pluviohile, I literally open my eyes wide and begin to operate on an entirely different level when it rains, rain charges my soul the way Superman charges by the sun, hence this post that has been playing around again again in my mind.

I’ve also decided that perhaps I should have pursued a career in book-publishing. Why didn’t I? I don’t know, perhaps because it doesn’t pay too well? Perhaps I’m going to one day but until then I will stick to writing whatever comes to my mind in my little blog and you, my readers, will be the lucky ones to suffer through :p Read more »

Shakshooka Pop-up Farmers Market

By | June 9, 2013


Last Thursday I had an opportunity to pass by Shakshooka Pop-up Farmers Market which I came to know about by chance from instagram a couple of weeks back. The moment I realised what it was, a pop-up farmers market with delicious-looking good natural food sold by serious Read more »

May’s Gorgeous Clouds!

By | May 1, 2013


The good weather season in Kuwait usually starts at the first of November and ends by the end of April. April is known to be the season of Sarrayat, which means heavy spring rain and the very last day of good weather. We’ve had some gorgeous clouds this year but I was very surprised to get out of work this evening and find the skyline of Kuwait City shrouded in gorgeous big fluffy black and white clouds! I couldn’t even see Read more »

Dinner at the Gathering Bistro

By | May 1, 2013


Back in November, which now feels just like yesterday, I’ve been granted a sneak preview of the Gathering Bistro before it was officially open (post). Fast forward six months later and we finally had the chance to try it out for dinner and we had an excellent time! The weather was windy and cool, the tables filled out quickly, a nice soundtrack playing subtly in the background and at one point Dido’s white flag was -yes, I’m a fan- and most importantly, the food was really good! First we had to try the Cheesy potato bombs, they seemed smaller that what we remember but they were as tasty and excellent as a comfort food dish can be. Read more »

Why don’t you Ride your Bike to Work?

By | April 2, 2013


I saw a man heading to his to workplace today on a motorcycle.

The weather was gorgeous, warm with a cool breeze. Traffic was horrible even as early as 7 A.M. Roadworks didn’t help much in the traffic department. Drowsy car drivers almost slumped on their steering wheels -at least I was- waiting for the traffic sign to go green, and then there was this motorcycle slipping through traffic, not taking much space at all, and he made it to Read more »

Spring in Kuwait Means: Butterflies Everywhere!

By | March 20, 2013


For the past few days I’ve been seeing swarms of butterflies everywhere! The distinctive orange and black butterfly we get to see in Kuwait is big and fluttery and a tad reckless for Read more »

Breakfast at the Cheesecake Factory

By | March 3, 2013


I’ve been wanting to try The Cheesecake Factory’s breakfast ever since their opening in November 2012. Their breakfast is served every Saturday though so whenever Saturday came something would come up and I wouldn’t be able to go. However, last Read more »

Good Morning… Good Breakfast

By | January 20, 2013


What better way to start a new week than to reflect on a memorable outdoorsy breakfast we’ve had at home a while ago in the cold weather? We had Bo Throos visit for the day and it was cold yet Read more »

SomeDay’s Cafe Picnic Invitation

By | January 5, 2013


Last week I received the cutest invitation to an event, which happens to be the last invitation of 2012 and the first event of 2013! It was wicker picnic basket Read more »

The New Al-Marai Lemon Ginger & Honey Juice

By | December 2, 2012

In Keifan Co-op the other day I found this new limited edition juice by Al-Marai. New Lemon, ginger, and honey juice which in theory is the perfect protection against the flu and common cold. Perfect timing from Al-Marai to have this product out just in time for the flu season because of the change in weather, most of the people I know are either sick or falling sick.

Would it really help? God knows. In my case if I get sick nothing really helps and if I drink lemon, or honey, or tea, or anything else I just throw up. I didn’t try it myself for I’m not a fan of honey but my husband did and he loved it. He says the honey taste is very strong and the combination is very nice and well balanced. So if you are interested in a little protection before the flu attacks, keep an eye out for this new and limited edition juice.

Breathtaking Sunset in Kuwait

By | November 22, 2012

Yesterday evening as I was about to shut the curtains I saw a hint of pink in the sky so I took out my camera and snapped shots of Read more »

Pictures: The Beauty of Fall

By | November 19, 2012

Kuwait’s climate is that of a desert. This means we have the hottest summers and the most intense winters. We never really feel the transition between the Read more »

London Summer 2012

By | September 2, 2012

That’s why the blog was neglected, I was in my favorite city in the world for two weeks. I thought I’d share some of my favorite summer 2012 London trip pictures during which the Read more »

Another Fire in Kuwait City…

By | June 10, 2012

About an hour ago I was in Kuwait city when I suddenly noticed some light pale grey smoke in Read more »

Picture of the Week: Sarrayat

By | May 14, 2012

The weather has been acting up lately, all because its the season of “Sarrayat” which is equivalent to the Kuwaiti Monsoon season. This year however its raining mud! Big fat muddy rain drops that makes everything dirty, the sky is almost always tainted with yellow, and flu is attacking everyone!

Though I’m not looking forward to the summer, I hate summer, but I do truly wish this unstable weather would pass. I’ve had the flu since last Thursday and I am not getting any better for five days now even though I’m on antibiotics! At least in the summer we can hide inside the house with the AC all day long, happy and healthy…

A Lovely Picnic in a Garden

By | April 25, 2012

Yesterday I got a call that the girls were going to gather for a quick picnic in a nearby garden. Frankly speaking I don’t think I’ve ever been to a garden in Kuwait before, not if you count the Aquarium’s walkway as one. So I was so excited and the weather was really nice and cool. On my way I passed by Qay9ar to grab some Read more »

Good Saturday Morning…

By | March 31, 2012

Rise and shine! Its the last day in the glorious weekend and sadly its getting hotter. Not long now before it becomes too hot to dine outdoors. What are you having for breakfast?

I want a big fat frozen coffee drink topped with luscious whipped cream and a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce. It is is the perfect time for a cold drink now :)

What are your plans for Saturday?


Good Saturday Morning…

By | March 24, 2012

Good Saturday Morning!

Its a beautiful day! No dust, the weather is perfect, its a pity to waste it sleeping in bed! I have great plans for this afternoon insha2 Allah and if all goes well I will be sharing them soon 😉 As for breakfast I have leftover cookies from Baking Tray! Not only are they the best cookies in Kuwait but they seem to taste even better if you keep them covered for a couple of days <3

So have a blast this Saturday and make the most of it 😀

Picture of the Week: Warmth

By | January 23, 2012

In this cold weather there is nothing more appreciated than a flame of a heater ablaze with the warmth and light of the night. Especially those high flames of the pyramid like heaters every restaurant seems to have in its outdoors area. They are so lovely, modern, and most importantly warm am always glad they are around.

Winter in Q8 means: Cloudy Skies and Sensational Sun Sets

By | January 22, 2012

This past weekend the weather had been amazing albeit on the freezing side. The clouds since Thursday till Sunday were phenomenal! If only these clouds and this weather could stay all year long. I am celebrating the Read more »

Good Saturday Morning…

By | January 21, 2012

Its freezing! Even though the arrival of the storm prediction wasn’t very accurate we still ended up with almost freezing weather! Shino hatha!

Today is a day for the following: Besht (check), Chai o 7aleeb emhayyal (check), something to keep us warm and we huddle beside (dafaya, check), and Qaymar (Alban dairy’s, check). I am planning on having a good and warming Kuwaiti style breakfast of bread, qaymar (clotted cream), and 3asal (honey) with chai o 7leeb emhayyal (cardamom infused milk). As a matter of fact I cannot wait for the morning to arrive so I can taste the famous Alban Dairy’s qaymar that everyone has been talking about!

Sounds like a plan to me. What about you? What are your plans for this chilly morning?

Waiting out the storm with a BBQ

By | January 20, 2012

They said that there is a very big storm coming to Kuwait on Friday. That meant we were stuck at home during a weekend day! Instead of being bored out of our minds we decided to light up a few coals, get our BBQ gear, and make some Read more »

Shino ‘3adakom Elyoom?

By | January 12, 2012

Thursday is here and the weekend is about to start! What are your plans for lunch? Eating in the office? Bel zwara? At home? Skipping lunch? The village in Bul7a9ani? It is still coldish but mostly rainy out there.

I’m craving something warm and wintery. I want to get out my Raclette oven that I haven’t used in years. Boil some baby potatoes, cut some fresh veggies, slice some soft bread, and melt some slices of Raclette cheese using my oven.

I want to see the bubbles form on the surface of the Raclette slice. I want to pour the gooey goodness on top of my potatoes and season with herbs and take a delicious bite that will warm my insides and make me feel both content and happy. Oh how I love Raclette.

I once posted about my Raclette oven in my very early days of blogging (post). Going back to that post made me nostalgic to the old blogging days. Horrible pictures though.

The Newly Re-Opened Chocolate Bar Al Bida’a

By | November 23, 2011

Chocolate Bar is one of my ever favorite hangouts in Kuwait. Many don’t know this fact but I must confess that many Dathra episodes and Dathra book editing had taken place while sitting alone in Chocolate Bar. My me time is a day a week when I go to Chocolate Bar on my own with my laptop, order my usual, and lose Read more »

Picture of the Week: Under the Sea

By | November 21, 2011

Last weekend we spent some quality time at the beach in the most amazing weather ever! I kept humming the song “Under the Sea” from the little mermaid movie which is one of my favorites. If I only knew how to swim, I would take diving lessons, take my camera with a waterproof casing, and shoot the beauty underneath the sea that must be mesmirizing.

For now however I would stick to open oyster shells discarded on the beach :p Shraykom feeha y7leelha proudly perched on top of the rock?